Intelocate and Tapi Carpets & Flooring Release Case Study Demonstrating Increased Efficiency and Productivity

Intelocate and Tapi Carpets & Flooring Release Case Study Demonstrating Increased Efficiency and Productivity

Intelocate and Tapi Carpets & Flooring Release Case Study Demonstrating Increased Efficiency and Productivity


Apr 5, 2023

Media Releases

TORONTO, CANADA and KENT, UNITED KINGDOM (April 5, 2023) – Intelocate and Tapi Carpets & Flooring have announced the release of a case study showcasing the enormous increases in efficiency and productivity across Tapi’s more than 180 locations across the United Kingdom.

Tapi, founded in 2015, is a leader in the UK’s flooring retail industry. Renowned for its unrivalled attention to detail and superior customer service, Tapi can trace its roots in the textile industry back as far as the 1600s. Founded by Martin Harris, the family boasts an astonishing lineage that began with the manufacture of sails, before progressing to tents, and finally the carpets and flooring for which it is known today.

Based in Toronto, Intelocate provides a best-in-class operations platform built from the ground up for multi-location retailers. With a seamless dashboard that incorporates intuitive issue reporting, task management, workflow automations, centralized communications, detailed reporting, and much more, Intelocate delivers a solution that offers the real-time location intelligence that retailers need to ensure the highest level of service across their stores.

The case study examines the major difficulties affecting Tapi’s daily operations, and how the flexible and highly customizable nature of Intelocate allowed each of these pain points to be addressed head-on. The resulting increase in overall staff engagement, store compliance, and speedier issue resolution following the platform’s widespread rollout are all covered in detail throughout.

“Intelocate works really well for us, allowing communication between Tapi Central and our frontline staff without the need to continuously pester them,” said Sam Bouchard, Retail Facilities Manager at Tapi Carpets & Floors. “They can focus on all their primary responsibilities with our customers and the store itself, and then when they get the chance, they can check in on Intelocate.”

“Everyone here at Intelocate is thrilled to be involved in the incredible Tapi story,” said Yulia Vasilyeva, Founder and CEO of Intelocate. “A truly generational business with intimate knowledge of their craft handed down through centuries, we were blown away with Tapi’s incredible history, as well as the dedication to customer experience that permeates every facet of the organization.” 

To access the full case study, including quotes from Tapi staff who use Intelocate on a daily basis, citing the major improvements it has made in their roles, visit

About Tapi Carpets & Floors

Tapi Carpets & Floors was founded in 2015 and has over 180 locations throughout the United Kingdom. With an unwavering focus on the customer experience, Tapi is renowned for its attention to detail and forward-thinking approach to retail. For more information, visit

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Intelocate™ is a deeply-customizable task management, issue reporting and resolution, and centralized communications platform that's built from the ground up to help multi-location businesses streamline their day-to-day operations.

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Intelocate™ is a deeply-customizable task management, issue reporting and resolution, and centralized communications platform that's built from the ground up to help multi-location businesses streamline their day-to-day operations.

Copyright © 2017 - 2024 Intelocate

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Intelocate™ is a deeply-customizable task management, issue reporting and resolution, and centralized communications platform that's built from the ground up to help multi-location businesses streamline their day-to-day operations.

Copyright © 2017 - 2024 Intelocate

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Intelocate™ is a deeply-customizable task management, issue reporting and resolution, and centralized communications platform that's built from the ground up to help multi-location businesses streamline their day-to-day operations.

Copyright © 2017 - 2024 Intelocate

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Intelocate™ is a deeply-customizable task management, issue reporting and resolution, and centralized communications platform that's built from the ground up to help multi-location businesses streamline their day-to-day operations.

Copyright © 2017 - 2024 Intelocate

All Right Reserved


Intelocate™ is a deeply-customizable task management, issue reporting and resolution, and centralized communications platform that's built from the ground up to help multi-location businesses streamline their day-to-day operations.

Copyright © 2017 - 2024 Intelocate

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