
Communications à l'échelle de l'organisation au même endroit

Communications à l'échelle de l'organisation au même endroit

Communications à l'échelle de l'organisation au même endroit

Communications à l'échelle de l'organisation au même endroit

Communications à l'échelle de l'organisation au même endroit

La plateforme de communication unifiée d'Intelocate rassemble les discussions concernant toute l'organisation au sein d'une interface structurée et catégorisée. L'approche descendante accorde aux administrateurs et au siège social l'accès à toutes les communications non confidentielles, tandis que les rôles personnalisables garantissent le contrôle sur la visibilité des utilisateurs.

Réduire l'Usage des Emails

Améliorer le Temps de Réponse

Contrôle Total de la Visibilité

Éviter Tâches Oubliées

Organization-wide communications in one place
Organization-wide communications in one place
Organization-wide communications in one place
Organization-wide communications in one place
Organization-wide communications in one place
Organization-wide communications in one place
Organization-wide communications in one place

Rester sur le Sujet

Intelocate simplifie la communication centralisée pour tâches, tickets, personnes et équipements, éliminant les discussions chaotiques par email et les groupes de discussion.

Résolution plus rapide des problèmes

Communiquez facilement dans Intelocate pour demander des infos, des photos ou des vidéos aux gestionnaires sur les tickets d'incident, le tout bien organisé.

Communications Confidentielles

La messagerie confidentielle d'Intelocate limite la visibilité aux participants impliqués dans les conversations sensibles, permettant des discussions publiques transparentes.

Communications Globales

Diffusez messages, actualités, fichiers, etc. à groupes spécifiques avec les communications globales d'Intelocate. Surveillez qui a lu.


SMARTemail facilite l'engagement en permettant de répondre aux tâches ou tickets depuis le courriel, avec organisation automatique dans Intelocate.

Responsabilisation Accrue

Intelocate renforce la responsabilisation en centralisant les communications sur les tâches ou les problèmes, facilitant l'identification des problèmes potentiels.

Augmentez l'efficacité et réduisez les coûts

Le système de communication tout-en-un d'Intelocate simplifie la formation et l'intégration du personnel, sans nécessiter de licence supplémentaire.

Archiver les Conversations Anciennes

SMARTemail permet aux utilisateurs de répondre aux tâches depuis leur courriel, simplifiant l'engagement et optimisant les opérations.

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Vous demandez si Intelocate convient à votre organisation?

Réserver une discussion pour discuter de vos besoins, et expliquer les façons dont Intelocate peut aider à introduire des efficacités dans vos processus!

Vous demandez si Intelocate convient à votre organisation?

Réserver une discussion pour discuter de vos besoins, et expliquer les façons dont Intelocate peut aider à introduire des efficacités dans vos processus!

Vous demandez si Intelocate convient à votre organisation?

Réserver une discussion pour discuter de vos besoins, et expliquer les façons dont Intelocate peut aider à introduire des efficacités dans vos processus!

Vous demandez si Intelocate convient à votre organisation?

Réserver une discussion pour discuter de vos besoins, et expliquer les façons dont Intelocate peut aider à introduire des efficacités dans vos processus!

Vous demandez si Intelocate convient à votre organisation?

Réserver une discussion pour discuter de vos besoins, et expliquer les façons dont Intelocate peut aider à introduire des efficacités dans vos processus!

Vous demandez si Intelocate convient à votre organisation?

Réserver une discussion pour discuter de vos besoins, et expliquer les façons dont Intelocate peut aider à introduire des efficacités dans vos processus!

Vous demandez si Intelocate convient à votre organisation?

Réserver une discussion pour discuter de vos besoins, et expliquer les façons dont Intelocate peut aider à introduire des efficacités dans vos processus!

Découvrir Plus de Fonctionnalités Intelocate

Découvrir Plus de Fonctionnalités Intelocate

Découvrir Plus de Fonctionnalités Intelocate

Intelocate est rempli de fonctionnalités puissantes pour vous aider à rationaliser votre entreprise multi-sites - découvrez certaines de nos autres fonctionnalités clés ci-dessous.

Gestion des Tâches

Créez des tâches et projets pour des individus, des groupes, des emplacements ou toute l'organisation.

Rapports de Problèmes

Créez des catégories pour suivre les problèmes partout et les assigner au personnel ou aux partenaires externes.

Plus de Fonctionnalités

En plus de nos trois piliers clés, Intelocate inclut une suite de fonctionnalités pour simplifier les opérations.

Ce Que Disent Les Clients D'Intelocate

  • “As the majority of our employees work the retail sales floor, being able to review all outstanding issues in one single place is vital to completing tasks on time so those of us in the Corporate Office can get the responses and feedback we need.”

    Jennifer D

    Director of Sales Execution

  • “Intelocate is a partner that we can rely on to help us reduce complexity, get issues resolved, and tasks completed. Since integrating the platform, we’ve seen major benefits across the entire organization.”

    Jason B

    Chief Operating Officer

  • “This incredible tool has helped our organization increase productivity and maximize time management across our entire company. We love it, and would recommend it for any business!”

    Attique R

    Director of Operations

  • “Intelocate has helped us to streamline communications with stores for supply order requests, maintenance requests, and much more. It has greatly reduced requests through email, which was our primary objective.”

    Danielle L

    Project Lead, Operations

  • “Intelocate has worked well for us, allowing automation of planned preventative maintenance and statutory legal H&S checks in our stores. The mobile application allows us to view data on the go and has been a game changer for regional managers“

    Paul M

    Health & Safety Manager

  • “Intelocate is a critical platform for our Operations Department. Once issues are logged we allocate to the relevant team for resolution within our agreed deadlines. Our experience with Intelocate has been great, and one that we are very happy with.”

    Stephen N

    Operations Support Manager

  • “Intelocate makes it simple to navigate, sort, assign and execute follow-up on a variety of tasks and/or issues. It has helped me to better manage cumbersome tasks and issues that would otherwise be flooding my e-mail inbox, or having me bombarded with texts and calls.”

    Jeremy B

    Region Manager

  • “Intelocate allows us to quickly and accurately submit issue tickets and has greatly reduced issue resolution time, leading to an increase in employee satisfaction as they can quickly see the status of reported issues.”

    Drew D

    District Manager

  • “Intelocate has reduced the time spent dealing with issue resolution across the business. As a result, we have learnt about new issues as users feel more confident (and it takes less time) to log other issues as they come up.”

    Rupert B

    Central Operations Manager

Ce Que Disent Les Clients D'Intelocate

  • “As the majority of our employees work the retail sales floor, being able to review all outstanding issues in one single place is vital to completing tasks on time so those of us in the Corporate Office can get the responses and feedback we need.”

    Jennifer D

    Director of Sales Execution

  • “Intelocate is a partner that we can rely on to help us reduce complexity, get issues resolved, and tasks completed. Since integrating the platform, we’ve seen major benefits across the entire organization.”

    Jason B

    Chief Operating Officer

  • “This incredible tool has helped our organization increase productivity and maximize time management across our entire company. We love it, and would recommend it for any business!”

    Attique R

    Director of Operations

  • “Intelocate has helped us to streamline communications with stores for supply order requests, maintenance requests, and much more. It has greatly reduced requests through email, which was our primary objective.”

    Danielle L

    Project Lead, Operations

  • “Intelocate has worked well for us, allowing automation of planned preventative maintenance and statutory legal H&S checks in our stores. The mobile application allows us to view data on the go and has been a game changer for regional managers“

    Paul M

    Health & Safety Manager

  • “Intelocate is a critical platform for our Operations Department. Once issues are logged we allocate to the relevant team for resolution within our agreed deadlines. Our experience with Intelocate has been great, and one that we are very happy with.”

    Stephen N

    Operations Support Manager

  • “Intelocate makes it simple to navigate, sort, assign and execute follow-up on a variety of tasks and/or issues. It has helped me to better manage cumbersome tasks and issues that would otherwise be flooding my e-mail inbox, or having me bombarded with texts and calls.”

    Jeremy B

    Region Manager

  • “Intelocate allows us to quickly and accurately submit issue tickets and has greatly reduced issue resolution time, leading to an increase in employee satisfaction as they can quickly see the status of reported issues.”

    Drew D

    District Manager

  • “Intelocate has reduced the time spent dealing with issue resolution across the business. As a result, we have learnt about new issues as users feel more confident (and it takes less time) to log other issues as they come up.”

    Rupert B

    Central Operations Manager

Ce Que Disent Les Clients D'Intelocate

  • “As the majority of our employees work the retail sales floor, being able to review all outstanding issues in one single place is vital to completing tasks on time so those of us in the Corporate Office can get the responses and feedback we need.”

    Jennifer D

    Director of Sales Execution

  • “Intelocate is a partner that we can rely on to help us reduce complexity, get issues resolved, and tasks completed. Since integrating the platform, we’ve seen major benefits across the entire organization.”

    Jason B

    Chief Operating Officer

  • “This incredible tool has helped our organization increase productivity and maximize time management across our entire company. We love it, and would recommend it for any business!”

    Attique R

    Director of Operations

  • “Intelocate has helped us to streamline communications with stores for supply order requests, maintenance requests, and much more. It has greatly reduced requests through email, which was our primary objective.”

    Danielle L

    Project Lead, Operations

  • “Intelocate has worked well for us, allowing automation of planned preventative maintenance and statutory legal H&S checks in our stores. The mobile application allows us to view data on the go and has been a game changer for regional managers“

    Paul M

    Health & Safety Manager

  • “Intelocate is a critical platform for our Operations Department. Once issues are logged we allocate to the relevant team for resolution within our agreed deadlines. Our experience with Intelocate has been great, and one that we are very happy with.”

    Stephen N

    Operations Support Manager

  • “Intelocate makes it simple to navigate, sort, assign and execute follow-up on a variety of tasks and/or issues. It has helped me to better manage cumbersome tasks and issues that would otherwise be flooding my e-mail inbox, or having me bombarded with texts and calls.”

    Jeremy B

    Region Manager

  • “Intelocate allows us to quickly and accurately submit issue tickets and has greatly reduced issue resolution time, leading to an increase in employee satisfaction as they can quickly see the status of reported issues.”

    Drew D

    District Manager

  • “Intelocate has reduced the time spent dealing with issue resolution across the business. As a result, we have learnt about new issues as users feel more confident (and it takes less time) to log other issues as they come up.”

    Rupert B

    Central Operations Manager

Ce Que Disent Les Clients D'Intelocate

  • “As the majority of our employees work the retail sales floor, being able to review all outstanding issues in one single place is vital to completing tasks on time so those of us in the Corporate Office can get the responses and feedback we need.”

    Jennifer D

    Director of Sales Execution

  • “Intelocate is a partner that we can rely on to help us reduce complexity, get issues resolved, and tasks completed. Since integrating the platform, we’ve seen major benefits across the entire organization.”

    Jason B

    Chief Operating Officer

  • “This incredible tool has helped our organization increase productivity and maximize time management across our entire company. We love it, and would recommend it for any business!”

    Attique R

    Director of Operations

  • “Intelocate has helped us to streamline communications with stores for supply order requests, maintenance requests, and much more. It has greatly reduced requests through email, which was our primary objective.”

    Danielle L

    Project Lead, Operations

  • “Intelocate has worked well for us, allowing automation of planned preventative maintenance and statutory legal H&S checks in our stores. The mobile application allows us to view data on the go and has been a game changer for regional managers“

    Paul M

    Health & Safety Manager

  • “Intelocate is a critical platform for our Operations Department. Once issues are logged we allocate to the relevant team for resolution within our agreed deadlines. Our experience with Intelocate has been great, and one that we are very happy with.”

    Stephen N

    Operations Support Manager

  • “Intelocate makes it simple to navigate, sort, assign and execute follow-up on a variety of tasks and/or issues. It has helped me to better manage cumbersome tasks and issues that would otherwise be flooding my e-mail inbox, or having me bombarded with texts and calls.”

    Jeremy B

    Region Manager

  • “Intelocate allows us to quickly and accurately submit issue tickets and has greatly reduced issue resolution time, leading to an increase in employee satisfaction as they can quickly see the status of reported issues.”

    Drew D

    District Manager

  • “Intelocate has reduced the time spent dealing with issue resolution across the business. As a result, we have learnt about new issues as users feel more confident (and it takes less time) to log other issues as they come up.”

    Rupert B

    Central Operations Manager

Ce Que Disent Les Clients D'Intelocate

  • “As the majority of our employees work the retail sales floor, being able to review all outstanding issues in one single place is vital to completing tasks on time so those of us in the Corporate Office can get the responses and feedback we need.”

    Jennifer D

    Director of Sales Execution

  • “Intelocate is a partner that we can rely on to help us reduce complexity, get issues resolved, and tasks completed. Since integrating the platform, we’ve seen major benefits across the entire organization.”

    Jason B

    Chief Operating Officer

  • “This incredible tool has helped our organization increase productivity and maximize time management across our entire company. We love it, and would recommend it for any business!”

    Attique R

    Director of Operations

  • “Intelocate has helped us to streamline communications with stores for supply order requests, maintenance requests, and much more. It has greatly reduced requests through email, which was our primary objective.”

    Danielle L

    Project Lead, Operations

  • “Intelocate has worked well for us, allowing automation of planned preventative maintenance and statutory legal H&S checks in our stores. The mobile application allows us to view data on the go and has been a game changer for regional managers“

    Paul M

    Health & Safety Manager

  • “Intelocate is a critical platform for our Operations Department. Once issues are logged we allocate to the relevant team for resolution within our agreed deadlines. Our experience with Intelocate has been great, and one that we are very happy with.”

    Stephen N

    Operations Support Manager

  • “Intelocate makes it simple to navigate, sort, assign and execute follow-up on a variety of tasks and/or issues. It has helped me to better manage cumbersome tasks and issues that would otherwise be flooding my e-mail inbox, or having me bombarded with texts and calls.”

    Jeremy B

    Region Manager

  • “Intelocate allows us to quickly and accurately submit issue tickets and has greatly reduced issue resolution time, leading to an increase in employee satisfaction as they can quickly see the status of reported issues.”

    Drew D

    District Manager

  • “Intelocate has reduced the time spent dealing with issue resolution across the business. As a result, we have learnt about new issues as users feel more confident (and it takes less time) to log other issues as they come up.”

    Rupert B

    Central Operations Manager

Ce Que Disent Les Clients D'Intelocate

  • “As the majority of our employees work the retail sales floor, being able to review all outstanding issues in one single place is vital to completing tasks on time so those of us in the Corporate Office can get the responses and feedback we need.”

    Jennifer D

    Director of Sales Execution

  • “Intelocate is a partner that we can rely on to help us reduce complexity, get issues resolved, and tasks completed. Since integrating the platform, we’ve seen major benefits across the entire organization.”

    Jason B

    Chief Operating Officer

  • “This incredible tool has helped our organization increase productivity and maximize time management across our entire company. We love it, and would recommend it for any business!”

    Attique R

    Director of Operations

  • “Intelocate has helped us to streamline communications with stores for supply order requests, maintenance requests, and much more. It has greatly reduced requests through email, which was our primary objective.”

    Danielle L

    Project Lead, Operations

  • “Intelocate has worked well for us, allowing automation of planned preventative maintenance and statutory legal H&S checks in our stores. The mobile application allows us to view data on the go and has been a game changer for regional managers“

    Paul M

    Health & Safety Manager

  • “Intelocate is a critical platform for our Operations Department. Once issues are logged we allocate to the relevant team for resolution within our agreed deadlines. Our experience with Intelocate has been great, and one that we are very happy with.”

    Stephen N

    Operations Support Manager

  • “Intelocate makes it simple to navigate, sort, assign and execute follow-up on a variety of tasks and/or issues. It has helped me to better manage cumbersome tasks and issues that would otherwise be flooding my e-mail inbox, or having me bombarded with texts and calls.”

    Jeremy B

    Region Manager

  • “Intelocate allows us to quickly and accurately submit issue tickets and has greatly reduced issue resolution time, leading to an increase in employee satisfaction as they can quickly see the status of reported issues.”

    Drew D

    District Manager

  • “Intelocate has reduced the time spent dealing with issue resolution across the business. As a result, we have learnt about new issues as users feel more confident (and it takes less time) to log other issues as they come up.”

    Rupert B

    Central Operations Manager

Ce Que Disent Les Clients D'Intelocate

  • “As the majority of our employees work the retail sales floor, being able to review all outstanding issues in one single place is vital to completing tasks on time so those of us in the Corporate Office can get the responses and feedback we need.”

    Jennifer D

    Director of Sales Execution

  • “Intelocate is a partner that we can rely on to help us reduce complexity, get issues resolved, and tasks completed. Since integrating the platform, we’ve seen major benefits across the entire organization.”

    Jason B

    Chief Operating Officer

  • “This incredible tool has helped our organization increase productivity and maximize time management across our entire company. We love it, and would recommend it for any business!”

    Attique R

    Director of Operations

  • “Intelocate has helped us to streamline communications with stores for supply order requests, maintenance requests, and much more. It has greatly reduced requests through email, which was our primary objective.”

    Danielle L

    Project Lead, Operations

  • “Intelocate has worked well for us, allowing automation of planned preventative maintenance and statutory legal H&S checks in our stores. The mobile application allows us to view data on the go and has been a game changer for regional managers“

    Paul M

    Health & Safety Manager

  • “Intelocate is a critical platform for our Operations Department. Once issues are logged we allocate to the relevant team for resolution within our agreed deadlines. Our experience with Intelocate has been great, and one that we are very happy with.”

    Stephen N

    Operations Support Manager

  • “Intelocate makes it simple to navigate, sort, assign and execute follow-up on a variety of tasks and/or issues. It has helped me to better manage cumbersome tasks and issues that would otherwise be flooding my e-mail inbox, or having me bombarded with texts and calls.”

    Jeremy B

    Region Manager

  • “Intelocate allows us to quickly and accurately submit issue tickets and has greatly reduced issue resolution time, leading to an increase in employee satisfaction as they can quickly see the status of reported issues.”

    Drew D

    District Manager

  • “Intelocate has reduced the time spent dealing with issue resolution across the business. As a result, we have learnt about new issues as users feel more confident (and it takes less time) to log other issues as they come up.”

    Rupert B

    Central Operations Manager

Intelocate™ est une plateforme de gestion des tâches, de signalement et de résolution des problèmes et de communications centralisées hautement personnalisable qui est conçue dès le départ pour aider les entreprises multi-sites à rationaliser leurs opérations quotidiennes.

Droits d'Auteur © 2017 - 2024 Intelocate

Tous Droits Réservés


Intelocate™ est une plateforme de gestion des tâches, de signalement et de résolution des problèmes et de communications centralisées hautement personnalisable qui est conçue dès le départ pour aider les entreprises multi-sites à rationaliser leurs opérations quotidiennes.

Droits d'Auteur © 2017 - 2024 Intelocate

Tous Droits Réservés


Intelocate™ est une plateforme de gestion des tâches, de signalement et de résolution des problèmes et de communications centralisées hautement personnalisable qui est conçue dès le départ pour aider les entreprises multi-sites à rationaliser leurs opérations quotidiennes.

Droits d'Auteur © 2017 - 2024 Intelocate

Tous Droits Réservés


Intelocate™ est une plateforme de gestion des tâches, de signalement et de résolution des problèmes et de communications centralisées hautement personnalisable qui est conçue dès le départ pour aider les entreprises multi-sites à rationaliser leurs opérations quotidiennes.

Droits d'Auteur © 2017 - 2024 Intelocate

Tous Droits Réservés


Intelocate™ est une plateforme de gestion des tâches, de signalement et de résolution des problèmes et de communications centralisées hautement personnalisable qui est conçue dès le départ pour aider les entreprises multi-sites à rationaliser leurs opérations quotidiennes.

Droits d'Auteur © 2017 - 2024 Intelocate

Tous Droits Réservés


Intelocate™ est une plateforme de gestion des tâches, de signalement et de résolution des problèmes et de communications centralisées hautement personnalisable qui est conçue dès le départ pour aider les entreprises multi-sites à rationaliser leurs opérations quotidiennes.

Droits d'Auteur © 2017 - 2024 Intelocate

Tous Droits Réservés


Intelocate™ est une plateforme de gestion des tâches, de signalement et de résolution des problèmes et de communications centralisées hautement personnalisable qui est conçue dès le départ pour aider les entreprises multi-sites à rationaliser leurs opérations quotidiennes.

Droits d'Auteur © 2017 - 2024 Intelocate

Tous Droits Réservés
